Southeast Asia - Quiz


If you want to see whether you REALLY know all about Southeast Asia, this is for you!

This quiz has 5 multiple-choice questions with 3 choices, 5 multiple-choice questions with 4 choices, 2 multiple-choice questions with 5 choices and 3 questions which are a surprise!

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Let's get started!

  1. How many people live in Malaysia?
    About 20 to 22 milion.
    About 20 to 22 billion.
    About 17 to 19 milion.

  2. Brunei is rich in _________________.
    land and water
    cities and people
    oil and gas

  3. How many islands are there in Indonesia?
    About 13,000.
    About 7,000.

  4. What is the main race in Malaysia?

  5. Myanmar is a __________________.
    Muslim state
    tiny city-state
    country ruled by the army

  6. Cambodia was wrecked by the __________ War and the _______ _______.
    Vietnam, Khmer, Rouge
    Gulf, bomb, droppings
    World, atomic, bombs
    Spanish-American, land, invasion

  7. Singapore is a ______________.
    state rich in oil and natural resources
    tiny city-state
    military regime

  8. ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was formed ______________________.
    to unite Southeast Asia against the Japanese invasion
    to discuss potentially divisive issues and resolve them
    to pray for world peace and stability
    to unite Southeast Asia against modernisation, industrialisation and Westernisation

  9. A geographical feature of Laos is ______________.
    large areas of water and swamps
    long mountain ranges
    border with the Philippines
    no coastline

  10. 'Thailand' in Thai means __________________________.
    Land of the Free
    Rice Bowl
    Miracle Country

  11. What is a major problem in Laos?
    Many earthquakes rocking and wrecking the country.
    Bad transportation systems.
    High value of the kip.
    Panic over UFO sightings.
    Derailments on railways in the country.

  12. Which are the 5 smallest countries in Southeast Asia (arranged in decending order according to population size)?
    Brunei, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia.
    Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore.
    Indonesia, the Philippines, Laos, Singapore, Brunei.
    Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Brunei.
    Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, Brunei.

  13. Which are the two largest countries in Southeast Asia according to land area? Check the boxes next to your answers.
    the Philippines

  14. Guesstimate what is the population density of Singapore given that the population is 4,151,264 and the land area is 647.5 square km (No use of any calculators!).
  15. What is the name of the country which was the former colonial ruler of Indonesia in that country's language?

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